Posts tagged gender-topic5
Wpath Members Provide Uncontested Validation of Ghq Mission
Trans YouthJustine Deterlingwpath, gender-topic2, trans, lgbtq, affirmative model, gender-topic11, increase, females, gender-topic3, minors, consent, gender-topic4, gender-topic9, gender-topic5, gender-health-query, articles
Case of Teen Girl Desisting From Gender Dysphoria Highlights Conflicts and Dangers Around Pediatric Medical Transition
Trans YouthJustine Deterlinggender-topic2, gender-topic1, desistance, minors, gender dysphoria, affirmative model, negligence, gender-topic5, gender-health-query, articles
Medical Ethics and Pediatric Medical Transition for Gender Dysphoric Youth
Opposing Opinions Around Pediatric Medical Transition and Gender Ideology
Adding Three Studies Regarding the Ability of Minors to Consent to Medical Treatment
Trans YouthJustine Deterlinggender-topic13, medical, ethics, affirmative model, gender-topic17, gender-topic15, gender dysphoria, minors, gender-topic5, gender-health-query, articles
Oregon Health And Sciences University: Shaky Science Around Gender Dysphoric Minors
Letter Sent to the Health Minister in Australia
Trans YouthJustine Deterlinggender-topic9, gender-topic5, gender-topic16, australia, health minister, gender dysphoria, minors, censorship, gender-topic14, capture, institutional, mental health, side effects, medical, gender-health-query, articles
An Example of the Education Profession Enthusiastically Promoting Student Chest Binding, a Harmful Practice
Trans YouthJustine Deterlingbreast, chest, binding, schools, libraries, gender-topic11, social contagion, gender dysphoria, affirmative model, gender-topic5, gender-health-query, articles
A Damning Review of the Justifications for Puberty Blocker Use in the U.K.
Trans YouthJustine Deterlinggender-topic17, gender-topic11, gender-topic2, gender-topic16, gender-topic4, gender-topic9, gender-topic6, side effects, puberty blockers, medical, ethics, bones, affirmative model, gender dysphoria, gender-topic5, gender-health-query, articles
Will Minors Be Medicalized for Non-Standard Body Modifications?
Trans YouthJustine Deterlinggender-topic17, nonbinary, nullos, affirmative model, jesse singal, mastectomy, minors, gender-topic5, gender-health-query, articles