LGB Issues
Outing Extremism
MedicaL Watchdog
In the very recent past, the activist movement called "LGBTQ+" attached itself to the homosexual rights movement that originally existed to protect the right of lesbian, bisexual, and gay adults to engage in same-sex attraction and protect their partners, families, and assets. Same-sex couples obtained this with the right to marry in Western countries. The "LGBTQ+" agenda advocates for radical demands that hurt rather than support the best interests of LGB people. "LGBTQ+" advocates for irrevocable medical body modification on gender dysphoric minors who often resolved gender dysphoria in the past and likely grew up LGB. It is removing parental rights from justifiably concerned parents. It seeks to eradicate sex-based legal definitions that nullify the concept of sexual orientation, harm girls and women, and destabilize youths' relationships with their bodies and reality. It normalizes sexually inappropriate behavior in front of children. And it misrepresents important issues to the public while inflicting authoritarian activism that punishes dissenters. It's time for a return to sanity for LGB people who care about the youth in our minority groups and progress for LGB people in other countries.
*This website discusses the topic of protecting same-sex attracted youth. But this is a website for adults. It is necessary to cover adult themes and for us to show graphic examples of medical damage, inappropriate behavior, and threats happening around “LGBTQ+” activism. We support the idea most parents are loving and should monitor the social media use of their children.
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